The Novos Talentos FNAC competition celebrates national talent in the year that FNAC celebrates its 25th anniversary in Portugal. For the last 21 years, it has been discovering and promoting promising national artists in cinema, writing, music, photography, illustration, and video games.
Culture (from the Latin cultura stemming from colere, meaning "to cultivate") generally refers to patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activities significance and importance. 

- Wayne W. LaMorte, Cultural Awareness, 2016.
These illustrations are my observations on the symbolic structure of city culture. Cities are often inhabited by all kinds of people. Apart from being crowded, cities also form a very unique scene. People from different cultural backgrounds inevitably live in the same building or on the same street. The neighbor next door may be from the other side of the world, and the small restaurant across the street may serve exotic food from an unknown island. Through sharing living space, different people and houses are intertwined to form a series of patterns. Daily activities make their living spaces closely connected. Together, the residents and the cities create a unique urban culture.
These three pictures depict different scenes of the city. The faces on the houses represent different residents. One by one, the houses are grouped together to form a visual continuity. We humans as a collective in the city, no matter how different we are, are always connected in a way.